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Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Daughter saved some Caterpillars...

Ok, Honestly I am not sure if these caterpillars actually turn into butterflies or if these are the ones that just eat all the vegetation and never turn into anything winged, however for our story let's pretend they do in fact turn into majestic butterflies!
My daughter came across about 100 caterpillars on the sidewalk and on a garbage can and panicked a little when she noticed other people passing us were squishing them without a second glance. She took it upon herself to save every single one! She painstakingly and gently liberated every one from the danger zone and placed them upon trees or leaves (depending on their size). Bless her little heart, and eventually my spouse and I had to get involved and help because otherwise we would be there all day! Our walks sometimes tend to take a long time during caterpillar season!

Newsflash, Just found out these are moth larvae and are killing fruit trees. Oh well circle of life. I am still proud of my little girls heart. :)

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