Want to Book a Consultation or Session?

Want to book a consultation? Contact me at 250-760-7003 or auroraphotography@live.ca
I mostly service the Vancouver island and Greater Vancouver area but I am available for destination commissions. I look forward to meeting you.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Working with Movement

Vintage Reflections by Marjie Callaghan at Aurora Photography

This is a collection of 1920's vintage clothing on display at the Nanaimo Heritage Museum. I was inspired by the texture of the fabric to do some type of macro study. Once I started walking around, the reflections of the other manequins in each display case was haunting and I decided to refocus on that. I think the result is beautiful.

When I was in Art College, I was drawn to fashion  and textiles, however, photography became my passion when others thought I may turn towards a fashion career. I fell in love with the photography side of the industry and worked for the fashion section of Disinformation Magazine for a couple of years in the 90's. My problem with the way that the industry presents the models is the distorted photoshopping and unrealistic body shapes. My hope for this industry is that we will go back to the natural REAL body shape and stop starving our models.

 I photograph about 2000 Highschool Seniors a year and have taken a fashion style approach to the sessions. I think this is a great way to approach Senior portraiture and keeps it contemporary. My job as a photographer is to make ALL body shapes look amazing, not through photoshop, but through finding the most flattering angles. I find beauty in all of my clients and hope they then find beauty in themselves.
This project made me look at how women have been portrayed throughout the last century in the media and although I am drawn to the glamour of the runway, we have a long way to go in creating a realistic and healthy body image in this industry. I feel designers and photographers are the ones who need to take responsibility for these issues. 


Saturday, June 22, 2013

A First Year Celebration!

I first met and Photographed Yenita and Scott several years ago for their engagement session and their wedding a few months later. They welcomed Cameron into their lives and recently celebrated his one year birthday. We captured the day with a cake smash session in my North end studio and it was adorable!!! He was tentative at first and warmed up to it when he finally tasted the cake.


What a great day! We arrived at Ashley's house in the morning ready to catch the preparation! She was calm and ready to get married! Once the ladies were ready we headed for the ceremony at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith and the Sun came out! The ceremony was beautiful and wonderful to photograph. I will post more images as I edit them. We spent two hours after the ceremony with the family, bridal party and couple alone and then headed to NDSS for a couple of shots of where the Bride and Groom originally met! Bowen Park was the next stop and we captured some beautiful images at the waterfall and then the bridge. The Bride and Groom made quite the entrance to the reception with the Bridal Party carrying sparklers. I set up an open photobooth for the evening and the kids started it off with some fun props that my Spouse made. The celebration was stunning, Ashley really went all out on the decorations for the Hall. Julene my co photographer and I had an amazing day and wish Ashley and Dwayne the best Honeymoon!