Want to Book a Consultation or Session?

Want to book a consultation? Contact me at 250-760-7003 or auroraphotography@live.ca
I mostly service the Vancouver island and Greater Vancouver area but I am available for destination commissions. I look forward to meeting you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We have been so busy!

I am on my third week of five of Grad Photography Sessions at the local high schools here in Nanaimo! I am having a great time but as it is full time Monday through Friday, I have been scheduling all other sessions in the mornings and weekends. (Who needs sleep anyway?)

I haven't had a lot of free time to blog lately and so apologize for the lack of new posts. I would ultimately like to be posting daily, but as I am a mother, and full time photographer, blogger seems to fall to the wayside sometimes. I have five beautiful sessions I am going to post this week and will have some more this weekend, so please check back here to see some more of my latest work!

:) - Maartje

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