Want to Book a Consultation or Session?

Want to book a consultation? Contact me at 250-760-7003 or auroraphotography@live.ca
I mostly service the Vancouver island and Greater Vancouver area but I am available for destination commissions. I look forward to meeting you.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

What a couple of weeks!

The last two weeks have been a whirlwind of fun for Aurora Photography! I had the pleasure to photograph The Barra MacNeils again for their winter tour starting this time in Nanaimo. I had the pleasure of attending and photographing at the Quintessential Ladies night downtown last Wednesday, where we had a small studio set up and helped raise money along with the generous donation from Quintessential to the S.P.C.A. I have had several family sessions for Christmas this week and a couple of baby sessions keeping me busy and finally, last night Debra and I photographed for the eighth year in a row at the Shaw Cable Christmas Party. The event keeps growing year after year and the employees enjoyed a posh evening at the Nanaimo Convention Centre. We set up a red holiday background with three lights and had over 300 couples and groups. We took well over 1000 images and I would say it was by far my favorite year. Thanks Shaw for another smooth event!

I will be posting some images from these events as soon as I get the processing finished and have some sized samples. I think a clone of myself at this time of year would be a great idea and I think that may be number one on my Christmas list for 2010.


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