Want to Book a Consultation or Session?

Want to book a consultation? Contact me at 250-760-7003 or auroraphotography@live.ca
I mostly service the Vancouver island and Greater Vancouver area but I am available for destination commissions. I look forward to meeting you.

Friday, December 23, 2011

What's new with me?

Well...I recently got married to the most amazing person in the world on 11.11.11!
We are now planning on selling the old house and to fix it up and stage it to sell, we have rented a beautiful suite around the corner from my studio. How convenient!. I have just a couple of final orders for the holidays and then I am relaxing (and by relaxing of course I mean frantically packing) until January 1st. I am fully booked for December 28th, but am booking the 29th and 30th still for anyone with family in from out of town that would like a session over the holidays but because of my move, I will only be booking three appointments per day. I will be back to my regular appointment schedule as of January 3rd, after we have had a chance to settle in. My daughter Marsom is thrilled about the new bedroom!

Looking to book your wedding or family sessions in the new year?
250-760-7003 or email me at auroraphotography@live.ca

Best Regards,
Marjie Callaghan

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Wedding Special for 2012

Book any package for 2012 this month and receive a complimentary 12x12 Hardcover published album!